Thanksgiving is a time for gratitude, family, and feasting, but it can also bring some unpredictable weather! Whether you’re preparing for a cozy indoor celebration or hoping for a sunny day, a little humor can lighten the mood. Here are short Thanksgiving weather jokes that are sure to bring some laughter to your holiday gatherings.

Hilarious Thanksgiving Weather Jokes
1. What’s a turkey’s favorite weather?
Fowl weather!
2. Why did the scarecrow win an award?
Because he was outstanding in his field—regardless of the forecast!
3. How do turkeys stay warm in the winter?
They use their feathered coats!
4. What kind of weather do you get on Thanksgiving?
Turkey-clouds with a chance of stuffing!
5. Why don’t turkeys like rainy days?
Because they can’t find their way to the feast!
6. What’s the forecast for Thanksgiving dinner?
Partly cloudy with a chance of gravy!
7. How do you know it’s Thanksgiving?
The cold fronts bring everyone together!
8. What did one turkey say to another during a storm?
“Let’s wing it and find some shelter!”
9. What happens when it snows on Thanksgiving?
Turkey tracks in the snow!
10. Why did the meteorologist bring a turkey to the party?
To make sure the temperature was just right!
Witty Weather Quips for Your Thanksgiving
11. How does a turkey keep its feathers dry?
With a gobble of an umbrella!
12. Why did the pumpkin sit on the windowsill?
To enjoy the autumn breeze!
13. What’s a turkey’s favorite type of cloud?
A gobble-cloud!
14. Why did the chef get excited about the weather report?
It said there would be a warm front at dinner time!
15. How do you make a Thanksgiving meal weather-proof?
Brine it for a stormy day!
16. What do you call a turkey in a blizzard?
Frozen dinner!
17. Why was the cornfield so excited on Thanksgiving?
It heard the weather was going to be a-maize-ing!
18. What type of weather do you find at a Thanksgiving picnic?
A little bit of chilly and a whole lot of gravy!
19. How do you prepare for Thanksgiving rain?
You stuff your turkey with waterproof stuffing!
20. What do you call the weather on Thanksgiving morning?
Sunny side up!
Funny Jokes About Thanksgiving Weather
21. Why do turkeys always get invited to Thanksgiving dinner?
Because they’re never a damp squib!
22. How do you fix a broken turkey?
With weather tape!
23. What do you call it when it’s foggy on Thanksgiving?
Turkey visibility is low!
24. Why did the Thanksgiving dinner get postponed?
Because of a cloudy outlook!
25. What do turkeys use to communicate in bad weather?
26. How does a turkey feel during a snowstorm?
27. What did the turkey say to the wind?
“Stop ruffling my feathers!”
28. What’s a Thanksgiving dinner’s least favorite weather?
Hail—it makes for tough sides!
29. Why do leaves love Thanksgiving?
Because they get to enjoy the falling temperatures!
30. What do you call a sunny Thanksgiving?
A golden opportunity!
Laughing Through Thanksgiving Weather Woes
31. Why was the turkey so relaxed on Thanksgiving?
Because it was climate-controlled!
32. What do you say when it’s raining on Thanksgiving?
“Don’t worry; it’s just a drizzle of gratitude!”
33. What do you call a turkey who loves to surf?
A beach gobbler!
34. Why do storms love Thanksgiving?
They love to bring the drama!
35. How does the wind stay warm on Thanksgiving?
By wearing a cozy scarf!
36. What’s the best way to catch a turkey in bad weather?
Use a net and a good forecast!
37. How do you organize a Thanksgiving picnic in the snow?
With snow shovels and a lot of willpower!
38. What’s a turkey’s favorite holiday drink?
Hot cocoa—to warm those chilly feathers!
39. How do you deal with a blustery Thanksgiving?
Hold on tight to your feast!
Jokes to Brighten Your Thanksgiving Weather
40. What happens when the turkey dances in the rain?
It gets drenched in thankfulness!
41. How do you make a Thanksgiving meal cloudy?
Just add a dash of whipped cream!
42. What’s a turkey’s least favorite holiday activity?
Snowball fights—too cold for those feathers!
43. How do you know it’s Thanksgiving?
Chilly air mixed with warm hearts!
44. What do you call a turkey that’s been in the sun too long?
A sunburnt turkey!
45. Why did the pie go to the weather station?
To find out if it would be a slice of pie kind of day!
This Thanksgiving, don’t just be thankful—share some laughs! Whether you’re indoors or enjoying the great outdoors, these weather-themed jokes will be the perfect addition to your festivities. Happy Thanksgiving!