78+ Halloween Jokes and Riddles for Kids

Halloween is a magical time filled with spooky stories, creepy costumes, and of course, plenty of giggles. One of the best ways to bring smiles to the faces of kids is through Halloween jokes and riddles. Whether you’re hosting a Halloween party, looking for a fun activity, or just want to add some extra laughter to the holiday, these Halloween jokes and riddles for kids are sure to delight.

Halloween jokes and Riddles for Kids
Halloween jokes and Riddles for Kids

Funny and Best Halloween Jokes and Riddles for Kids

1. Why don’t mummies take vacations? 

   Because they don’t want to unwind!

2. What do you call a witch who lives at the beach? 

   A sand-witch!

3. Why did the ghost go to school

   To learn how to be a better spook-tator!

4. What kind of music do mummies listen to? 

   Wrap music!

5. Why did the vampire get a job at the blood bank? 

   He wanted to make a little extra cash!

6. What is a skeleton’s least favorite room in the house? 

   The living room!

7. Why don’t ghosts like rain? 

   It dampens their spirits!

8. What do you get when you cross a vampire with a snowman? 


9. How do monsters like their eggs? 


10. What did one ghost say to the other? 

    “Do you believe in people?”

Halloween Jokes and Riddles for Kids One-Liners

1. What’s a vampire’s favorite fruit? 

   A necktarine!

2. What kind of dog does Dracula have? 

   A bloodhound!

3. Why did the scarecrow become a successful neurosurgeon? 

   Because he was outstanding in his field!

4. What does a ghost use to wash their hair? 


5. Why did the zombie go to school? 

   He wanted to improve his “dead”ication!

6. What’s a ghoul’s favorite type of makeup? 


7. How do you write a book about Halloween? 

   With a spooky script!

8. Why don’t vampires like fast food? 

   Because they can’t catch it!

9. What do you call a witch who makes a lot of noise? 

   A bruja-banshee!

10. What did the pumpkin say to the pie? 

    “You’re so sweet!”

11. How does a mummy like his coffee

    With a little bit of “wrap”!

12. What did the ghost say when he was told to take a bath? 

    “I’m already squeaky clean!”

13. Why do ghosts like to go out in the rain? 

    It helps them keep their cool!

14. What do you call a witch’s garage? 

    A broom closet!

15. Why did the ghost go to the party? 

    To have a boo-tiful time!

Short Halloween Jokes and Riddles for Kids

1. What’s a ghost’s favorite dessert? 

   Ice scream!

2. Why did the ghost go to bed? 

   To avoid the scare-fest!

3. What do you call a ghost’s dog? 

   A boo-ler!

4. What do witches use to do their hair? 


5. Why did Dracula become a banker? 

   He wanted to count his blood-money!

6. How do you fix a broken pumpkin? 

   With a pumpkin patch!

7. What do monsters do at the beach? 

   They eat “sand-witches!”

8. Why don’t ghosts like to go out? 

   They’re afraid of getting boo-ed!

9. What did the mummy do at the party? 

   Wrapped it up!

10. What’s a vampire’s favorite boat? 

    A blood vessel!

11. Why did the ghost go to school? 

    To improve his “spook-tacular” skills!

12. What kind of fruit do ghosts like? 


13. What’s a ghost’s favorite treat? 

    Scream cheese!

14. Why did the skeleton go to the party solo? 

    He had no body to go with!

15. What’s a vampire’s favorite drink? 

    Bloody Mary!

16. How do you catch a monster? 

    With a monster trap!

17. Why did the monster eat the lamp? 

    He wanted a light snack!

18. What’s a mummy’s favorite type of music? 


19. How does a vampire start a letter? 

    “Tomb it may concern…”

20. What did the witch say when she fell over? 

    “I’ve fallen and I can’t giddy up!”

Halloween Jokes and Riddles for Kids Captions and Sayings

1. “Creeping it real this Halloween!”

2. “Witch better have my candy!”

3. “Trick or treat yo’ self!”

4. “You’re fang-tastic!”

5. “Ghoulishly good times!”

6. “If you’ve got it, haunt it!”

7. “Boo-tiful and spooky!”

8. “Frightfully funny!”

9. “Scream if you want to!”

10. “Candy corn and spooky fun!”

20 Halloween Jokes and Riddles for Kids Questions and Answers

1. Q: What do you call a ghost’s favorite exercise? 

   A: A boo-ster class!

2. Q: Why did the vampire get a job at the bakery? 

   A: He wanted to make some “blood”-tasting pastries!

3. Q: What’s a witch’s favorite subject in school? 

   A: Spelling!

4. Q: What’s a monster’s favorite bean? 

   A: A human bean!

5. Q: What do you call a group of witches? 

   A: A coven!

6. Q: How do mummies keep their hair in place? 

   A: With a mummy wrap!

7. Q: What’s a skeleton’s favorite instrument? 

   A: The trom-bone!

8. Q: What did one pumpkin say to the other? 

   A: “Let’s get carved up!”

9. Q: How do ghosts stay fit? 

   A: They do lots of ghost-busters!

10. Q: What do you call a friendly ghost? 

    A: A boo-friend!

11. Q: Why did the mummy go to the doctor? 

    A: He was feeling a bit “wrapped” up!

12. Q: What’s a vampire’s favorite fruit? 

    A: A blood orange!

13. Q: Why did the ghost go to the party? 

    A: To have a “boo”-last!

14. Q: How do you know a ghost is lying? 

    A: You can see right through them!

15. Q: What do you call a witch’s garage? 

    A: A broom closet!

16. Q: Why did the scarecrow win an award? 

    A: Because he was outstanding in his field!

17. Q: What’s a ghost’s favorite type of music? 

    A: Boo-gie!

18. Q: What does a ghost say when he’s lost? 

    A: “I’m boo-tally confused!”

19. Q: Why did the vampire always carry a pencil? 

    A: To draw his own blood!

20. Q: What do you call a haunted chicken? 

    A: A poultry-geist!


Halloween is the perfect time to share a good laugh with kids through Halloween jokes and riddles. With this comprehensive collection of Halloween jokes and riddles for kids, you’re sure to bring plenty of joy and giggles to the holiday. Whether you’re using these jokes for a party, a classroom activity, or just for fun at home, they’ll add a touch of humor to your Halloween celebrations.

Feel free to leave a comment with your favorite Halloween joke or riddle, or share any other spooky fun that you think might make this list even better! We’d love to hear from you and continue the Halloween fun. Happy Haunting!

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