75 Thanksgiving Funny Quotes to Spice Up Your Holiday

Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, and, of course, food. To lighten the mood and add some laughter to your feast, we’ve compiled funny Thanksgiving quotes that are sure to tickle your funny bone. Whether you’re looking for a witty remark to share at the dinner table or a humorous caption for your social media posts, these quotes have you covered!

Thanksgiving funny quotes to spice up your Holiday
Thanksgiving funny quotes to spice up your Holiday

Classic Humor

1. “Thanksgiving: the one day of the year when you can eat without guilt…until you step on the scale.”

2. “I love turkey. It’s a great excuse to eat with your hands.”

3. “May your turkey be plump, your potatoes be creamy, and your Thanksgiving dinner be filled with laughter.”

Hilarious Thanksgiving Quotes for Family Fun

4. “Family: Where life begins and love never ends… and the food is always shared.”

5. “Thanksgiving: The only time it’s acceptable to talk with your mouth full!”

6. “What’s the best thing to put in your turkey? Your feet!”

Food Frenzy

7. “Thanksgiving: When the food is the centerpiece, and the family is just a side dish.”

8. “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing! Oh wait, yes I can—it’s Thanksgiving!”

9. “I’m just here for the pumpkin pie and the awkward family conversations.”

 Turkey Talk

10. “I’m on a seafood diet. I see food, and I eat it. Especially turkey!”

11. “Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks, but let’s be real—it’s mostly about the turkey.”

12. “Why did the turkey cross the road? To prove he wasn’t chicken!”

 Quirky Reflections

13. “If you think that you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito… or at a Thanksgiving dinner.”

14. “Thanksgiving: when you realize how much you love food—and how much you tolerate your relatives.”

15. “Thanksgiving is the only day I can eat like a king and sleep like a baby.”

 Awkward Family Moments

16. “Thanksgiving dinners are like a family reunion—just with better food and more arguments.”

17. “Nothing brings a family together like the fight over the last piece of pie.”

18. “If you can’t be thankful for what you have, be thankful for what you don’t have: awkward family dinners!”

Thanksgiving Funny Quotes for Gratitude and Grins

19. “Thankful, blessed, and turkey obsessed.”

20. “Gratitude: The best attitude, especially when there’s pie involved.”

21. “I’m thankful for a lot of things, but mostly for the food coma that follows Thanksgiving dinner.”

 Fun with Words

22. “Thanksgiving: The only time of the year when it’s perfectly acceptable to ask for seconds… or thirds.”

23. “A balanced diet is having a slice of pumpkin pie in each hand!”

24. “Thanksgiving is the time of year when I start my diet… right after dessert.”

 Silly Sayings

25. “Eat, drink, and be merry—for tomorrow we diet!”

26. “Why did the cranberries turn red? Because they saw the turkey dressing!”

27. “Thanksgiving: When your family is too polite to mention that your cooking is a little ‘unique.'”

 Food for Thought

28. “If you’re going to be salty, at least be salty about the food.”

29. “My favorite exercise on Thanksgiving? Running out of room for dessert!”

30. “Thanksgiving: Where the dishes are clean, and the turkey is not!”

 Snack Attack

31. “You know you’re getting old when you can’t find the turkey baster… or the turkey!”

32. “Eat like nobody’s watching, because they’re all too busy eating!”

33. “Thanksgiving leftovers are the reason I wake up in the morning.”

Thanksgiving funny quotes
Best Thanksgiving funny quotes

Thanksgiving Quotes for Family Gatherings

34. “In my family, we don’t hide the crazy. We put it on the dining room table and decorate with it!”

35. “If the turkey’s dry, just remember: it’s not your fault… it’s the bird’s!”

36. “The secret to a successful Thanksgiving? Gravy. Lots of gravy.”

 Laughs and Cheers

37. “I told my family I was bringing a dish to pass. I brought a bottle of wine.”

38. “Thanksgiving is the one day where you can get away with ‘I’m too full for dessert’—said no one ever!”

39. “Thanksgiving is the perfect time to ask your relatives, ‘When are you getting married?’”

 Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice

40. “I’m just here for the turkey and the stretchy pants.”

41. “You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy pumpkin pie, and that’s pretty close.”

42. “Gravy: Because no good meal ever started with a salad.”

 Joking Around

43. “Thanksgiving dinner: a time for family, friends, and the occasional food fight.”

44. “Why did the turkey sit on the drumstick? Because it wanted to be a chicken drummer!”

45. “Thanksgiving: When you gather around the table to eat, pray, and inevitably argue about politics.”

 Feasting Frenzy

46. “Let’s eat some turkey and pass the family dysfunction!”

47. “Why do turkeys always go ‘gobble, gobble’? Because they never learned good table manners!”

48. “My favorite Thanksgiving tradition? Watching my family try to cook together.”

 Turkey Tales

49. “If I had a dollar for every Thanksgiving I’ve spent eating, I could buy the whole dinner!”

50. “Remember: calories don’t count on Thanksgiving—unless you’re counting them on your scale!”

51. “I’m grateful for my friends and family… and all the leftovers I can steal.”

Quotes for Festive Humor

52. “Eat, drink, and be thankful… and then eat some more.”

53. “You know it’s Thanksgiving when your pants are too tight, and your heart is too full.”

54. “Thanksgiving is like a warm hug… with a side of gravy.”

 Comedic Wisdom

55. “May your stuffing be tasty, your turkey be plump, and your relatives be peaceful.”

56. “Why do we call it Thanksgiving? Because ‘Thanks’ is the polite way to avoid talking politics!”

57. “Just remember: the turkey is the guest of honor, not the main course!”

 Final Laughs

58. “Happy Thanksgiving! May your turkey be juicy and your family be sane!”

59. “Thanksgiving: the only day where ‘second helping’ is a compliment.”

60. “What’s the best part of Thanksgiving? The naps after dinner!”

 Bringing It All Together

61. “I can’t wait to stuff my face with turkey—until I can’t move anymore!”

62. “Thanksgiving is the one time of year we can be thankful for stretchy pants.”

63. “Life is too short to skip dessert—especially on Thanksgiving!”

 Holiday Cheer

64. “Thanksgiving: the time to give thanks, and then proceed to eat as much as you can.”

65. “My Thanksgiving spirit animal is a turkey—mostly because I just want to eat and sleep.”

66. “May your Thanksgiving be filled with laughter, love, and too much food!”

 Seasonal Silliness

67. “The only thing better than a Thanksgiving meal is a Thanksgiving meal with a side of sarcasm.”

68. “Thanksgiving: when every day is a cheat day!”

69. “Why did the turkey get kicked out of the band? Because it couldn’t find its drumsticks!”

 Giving Thanks

70. “I’m thankful for the food, the friends, and the opportunity to embarrass myself.”

71. “Thanksgiving is the day we eat a feast, and then immediately regret it while we’re napping.”

72. “Why did the turkey go to the party? Because it heard it was going to be stuffed!”

 The Final Feast

73. “Thanksgiving: The only time we say ‘let’s eat’ and everyone understands it’s time for a feast!”

74. “I thought about becoming a vegetarian, but then I remembered it’s Thanksgiving.”

75. “On Thanksgiving, I like to eat as much as I can—after all, that’s what the holiday is all about!”


With these 75 funny Thanksgiving quotes, you’re sure to bring some humor to your holiday gatherings. Whether you’re reminiscing about past dinners or making new memories, laughter is the best side dish to your Thanksgiving feast. So gather your family, pass the mashed potatoes, and enjoy the lighter side of this cherished holiday! Happy Thanksgiving!

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