45 Short Thanksgiving Hunting Jokes to Gobble Up

Thanksgiving is a time for feasting, family, and a little bit of fun! If you’re out in the woods or just gathering around the table, here are short Thanksgiving hunting jokes to bring some laughter to your holiday festivities. Perfect for sharing with fellow hunters or family members who appreciate a good laugh!

Best Thanksgiving Hunting Jokes

 1. What did the turkey say to the hunter? 

“Quack, quack! I’m just a duck in disguise!”

 2. Why did the turkey cross the road? 

To prove it wasn’t chicken!

 3. How do you keep your turkey safe during hunting season? 

Tell it to run with a good flock!

 4. What’s a hunter’s favorite Thanksgiving dish? 

Stuffed quail!

 5. Why did the turkey join the band? 

Because it had the drumsticks!

 6. What do hunters do on Thanksgiving? 

They go turkey shootin’ for a change!

 7. Why did the hunter bring a ladder

To reach the high fowl!

 8. What’s a turkey’s favorite game? 

Hide and seek!

 9. What do you call a turkey on the day after Thanksgiving? 


 10. How do you make a turkey laugh? 

Tell it a fowl joke!

 11. Why did the scarecrow win an award? 

Because he was outstanding in his field—just like you!

 12. What did the turkey say when it got into a fight? 

“Let’s not make this a fowl situation!”

 13. Why don’t turkeys like to play cards

They’re afraid of cheaters!

 14. What do you call a turkey that tells jokes? 

A comedi-hen!

 15. Why did the turkey sit on the tomahawk? 

It wanted to be a “turkey-leg”!

Funny Thanksgiving Hunting Jokes

 16. How do you know if a turkey is a good listener? 

It never “gobbles” while you’re talking!

 17. Why did the turkey get a parking ticket? 

It was caught “fowl” play!

 18. What’s a turkey’s favorite type of music? 

Anything with a good beat—it loves to dance!

 19. Why do hunters make terrible comedians? 

Their jokes always fall flat!

 20. What did the turkey wear to the party? 

Its best “gobble” gown!

 21. Why do hunters always carry a pencil

In case they need to draw their bow!

 22. What’s a hunter’s least favorite vegetable? 

“Squash”—they don’t want to get caught!

 23. Why did the turkey get a promotion? 

It was on a roll!

 24. What did the deer say to the hunter? 

“You crack me up!”

 25. How do you know if a turkey is an artist? 

It’s always drawing attention!

 26. What’s a turkey’s favorite game show? 

“Who Wants to be a Millionaire?”—they’re hoping for a big payout!

 27. Why did the turkey blush? 

It saw the hunter dressing!

 28. What do you call a turkey that loves to run? 

Fast food!

 29. Why did the turkey go to school? 

To improve its “gobble-ry” skills!

 30. How does a turkey tell time? 

It checks its “gobble” clock!

Cute Thanksgiving Hunting Jokes

 31. What’s a turkey’s favorite type of footwear? 

“Gobble” boots!

 32. Why did the turkey refuse dessert? 

It was stuffed!

 33. What do you call a turkey with no feathers? 

An ex-turkey!

 34. Why was the hunter so good at math? 

He was always calculating his “score”!

 35. How do you invite a turkey to dinner? 

Just say, “Let’s get together for a feast!”

 36. What’s a turkey’s favorite exercise? 

“Gobble” squats!

 37. Why did the hunter get kicked out of the restaurant? 

He brought his own “game”!

 38. What do you call a turkey that loves to play hide and seek? 

A “gobble-seeker”!

 39. Why was the turkey afraid of the woods? 

Because it heard about the “great escape”!

 40. How do hunters celebrate Thanksgiving? 

With “a-maize-ing” dinners!

 41. What do you call a turkey who tells bad jokes? 

A “fowl” comedian!

 42. Why did the turkey sit on the computer? 

To keep an eye on its “gobble” mail!

 43. What do you get when you cross a turkey with a banjo? 

A “fowl” musician!

 44. Why did the turkey wear a bow tie? 

To look “gobble-licious” at dinner!

 45. What’s a turkey’s favorite holiday? 

“Thanksgiving” for sure—it’s all about them!


Whether you’re in the woods or gathered around the dinner table, these Thanksgiving hunting jokes are sure to get everyone in the holiday spirit. Share them with friends and family, and enjoy the laughter that fills your home this Thanksgiving! Happy hunting and feasting!

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